Ayurvedic Detox
by www.cyberspacehealthclinic.co.uk
Ayurveda - the ancient Indian system of medicine, which is currently very popular - provides the perfect knowledge base for excellent detox remedies and treatments. Here we present top Ayurvedic detox tips for your health and rejuvenation:
- Drink one cup of warm or room temperature still water, with a slice of fresh ginger, just before each meal.
- Leave three hours between each meal to properly digest your food
- Eat small meals - eating 3/4 small meals a day is preferable to one or two big ones.
- Only eat unprocessed whole fresh foods. Look at your plate and ask yourself how close your food is to nature!
- Drink 1/2 pint of fresh fruit juice or lemon and honey drink (3 tablespoons of honey with juice of 1/2 lemon with one pint of water), 3 hours after lunch and dinner.
- Avoid preservatives, colourings and flavour enhancers, such as MSG, in your food. Always read labels
- Restrict or eliminate excess salt, sugar, saturated fats, animal fats, red meat, shellfish, margarine, lard and refined oils, fried foods, caffeine, alcohol and cola/carbonated drinks.
- Do not overcook your food. Steamed or sautéed is better.
- No more than 25% of your meal should contain raw foods.
- Always eat three meals a day - but don't snack. Choose from:
Vegetables - such as: asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, courgettes, kale, leeks, lettuce, onion, parsley, pleas, potatoes, radish, spinach, spring greens, sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, cooked tomatoes, turnips, parsnips, watercress.
Fruits - such as: apples, apricots, avocado, bananas, berries, blackcurrants, cherries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, melon, kiwi, mangoes, nectarines, papaya, pears, peaches, pineapple, plums, tangerines, watermelon.
Animal - chicken, fish - mainly oily fish (sardines, salmon, herrings, tuna and mackerel)
Vegetable - lentils, mung beans, soya beans, tofu, quorn, chick peas, hummous
Grains - such as: barley, buckwheat, millet, oats, basmati rice, brown rice, wheatgerm, wholegrain breakfast cereals, wholemeal bread and pasta.
Herbs - such as: aniseed, basil, black pepper, cayenne, chervil, chives, coriander, cumin, fennel, ginger, garlic, lemon, mint, oregano, parley, rosemary, sage, thyme, turmeric.
Nuts/Oils - such as: almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, pumpkins seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, paste and oil, walnuts, flaxseeds and oil, extra virgin olive oil.
- Include the six basic tastes in your diet on a daily basis, and if possible, at every meal - sweet (eg grapes) sour (eg. lemons), salt (eg olives), bitter (eg. fennel), pungent (eg watercress), and astringent (eg pear). See below
- Have a liquid diet - fruit and/or vegetable juices - for 1 day in every two weeks.
- Take regular moderate exercise and practice a yoga routine regularly
- Although some sunbathing is good for you - 10 minutes uncovered - if you spend anymore time in the sun - wear sunscreen.
Massage head, neck, and feet daily with warm sesame oil. Give yourself a full body massage with warm sesame oil at least once a week.
Warm Bath
Mix 1 cup of Epsom salts and 1 cup of Sodium Bicarbonate for refreshing bath. Water for the head and face should be cooler than that for the body. Soak both feet in a bowl of hot water, with 1 tablespoon of salt added, for 20 minutes.
Oral Cleanse
Gargle with 1 tablespoon of warm sesame oil for 5-8 minutes - do not swallow! Spit out the oil, and rinse mouth with warm water. Then brush teeth and gums thoroughly. Clean tongue with tongue scraper or firm toothbrush.
More Examples of Basic Tastes
- Sweet - starchy vegetables, grains, milk, pasta, sweet fruits
- Sour - yoghurt, lemons, cheese, vinegar, wine
- Salty - sea salt, olives, food with added salt
- Pungent - spicy foods, peppery foods eg chillies, watercress, garlic, onion, cumin
- Bitter - green leafy vegetables, spinach, courgettes, turmeric
- Astringent - beans, lentils, apples, rhubarb, lettuce, unripe bananas
To find out more about Ayurvedic Medicine go to Cyberspace Health Clinic Treatments

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Ayurveda4me said on 13th July ...
"While I welcome anyone with any knowledge wishing to share their new found cure with everyone, some advices need to be offered with some provisos.( like always consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before starting a detox programme). With Ayurveda it is impossible to give a blanket prescriptions as each person in Ayurveda needs to be treated as a unique individual and every aspect looked at, environement, body, mind, emotions and spirit when making any recommedations for health except in the most general of terms and, especially for a detox. In fact i would go as far as to say that potentially a detox regime inappropriately applied could have less than beneficial results. There are seven body types looked at in Ayurveda and then all the body tissues -dhatus (7) and channels - shrotas (13) and wase products -malas(3 main) have to be taken into consideration. And then whether each system is hyper/ hypoactive obstructed etc. A pitta vitiated type may really suffer under this type of regime and may even aggrevate ulcers etc. Ayurveda is a MEDICAL system of health that MUST be practiced by properly qualified (usually min 6 years full time qualificatiopn) in this country to a MSc level. The qualification one is looking for in a practitioner is a B.A.M.S. (from India) or a MSc from the only university course available in this country at Middlesex University and at least membership of the A.P.A., Ayurvedic Practitioners Association. New legal regulations will shortly be coming into effect in this country where all Ayurvedic practitioners will need to be statutory registered in order to practice and be legally responsible for their advice."