Westlondon Physiotherapy
Whether we’re sporting heroes or do nothing more strenuous than popping down to our favourite local restaurant, all of us suffer with pain and injury at some point in our lives. And while alternative therapies and health fads appeal to many, physiotherapy provides a proven, no-nonsense approach to treating problems effectively and by addressing the cause as well as the symptoms.
Situated in Kensington, away from the chaos of London’s busiest streets, West London Physiotherapy not only boasts therapists Cameron Tudor and Sarah Morton who have unrivalled expertise and knowledge gained at the very highest level but the best state of the art equipment available to ensure that your treatment is second-to-none. With three private treatment rooms and a well-equipped rehabilitation gym featuring a pilates reformer, running machine and resistance equipment plus video analysis, which uses up-to-the-minute digital technology to analyse anything from your walking style to your golf swing and pinpoint areas of weakness, West London Physiotherapy can not only efficiently treat your current injury but address potential future problems as well.
Adopting a progressive approach, West London Physiotherapy ensures that each and every client is treated as an individual, using an approach best suited to you and your lifestyle. Not only will your therapist concentrate on your current injury but on past problems and underlying issues which could aid your recovery and positively affect your overall health. Meanwhile treatments include manual therapy and manipulation, soft tissue techniques and exercise, other methods such as biofeedback or muscle stimulation may also be used.
At West London Physiotherapy you will not only be treated for your injury but given the advice and means to ensure your recovery is total and lasting.
Westlondon Physiotherapy
Cameron Tudor
23 Ansdell Street
W8 5BN
tel: 0207 937 1628

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