Have your say: The Mills Outburst
Is it a McCann? Is it Diana? No, it’s Heather Mills! And after 4,400 articles of ‘abuse‘, she’s finally let loose at her tabloid tormentors live on TV. Comparing the way she’s been treated to that of a ‘murderer’ or ‘paedophile’, Mills’ ultra-high profile divorce case against former-Beatle Paul McCartney has found her accused of being a fantasist, a liar and a golddigger on many a British daily.
Have your say right here: Is this outburst a long time coming? Should the tabloids back off? Or is this what you should expect, messing with Macca? Let us know by hitting "Post a Comment" ...
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susan said on 01st November ...
"I think you should leave her alone, she is on her way to havign a breakdown. I know Paul is an icon, but he's a man who is looked at as if he is an angel. It takes two for a marriage to work and it takes two to break a marriage. So don't just drag one down."
K Jeffery said on 01st November ...
Paul Spencer said on 01st November ...
"Her Charity work is very commendable, but for us lesser mortals that aren't in a position were we do not have to work and would like to spend our time helping charities, not feasable. I am sure Paul McCartney would have offered a reasonable settlement, why doesn't she just accept it and get on with her life, then the media would probably leave her alone."
kc said on 01st November ...
"I completely agree with you there bubbles. We are being misinformed. Even the most trusted newspapers and news channels do not give us the full story on these important issues. "
kc said on 01st November ...
"She has a fair point that the press should stop making things up, but she seems quite selfish when she only considers "celebrities" in this debate. The press also print a lot of tripe regarding immigrants and foreign workers, and is very one-sided concerning the Iraq war. It is right to have a petition against the lies that the press publish. We need to think more about the lies that are harming the way that are society are treating each other, instead of how a "celebrity" is being perceived. Who cares what she did or didn't do - I'm sure the majority of the public forget most of what they read in the morning about the likes of her.
Fair enough she has been through it all the past so many years, but if she feels like that WHY did she put herself up for Dancing with the stars in the US? Would she surely not be better off keeping herself out of the limelight a little?"
bubbles said on 01st November ...
"This is an irrelevant individual hounded by a more-or-less irrelevant media machine, better known as the British press. Are we really interested in the whole fiasco? Why do productions such as GMTV provide her with the platform on which to whine? Why am I here, bothering to waste my time and effort talking about it?
I think the really worrying thing here is that, rather than this being confined to tabloid tittle tattle, we are seeing big name press publications dedicate time and space to such 'non-entity' stories - what about the thousands of civilians killed in the conflict in Iraq? What about the ethnic cleansing taking place in Darfur? What about the protests in Burma? It would seen that religion is no longer the 'opium of the people' but rather 'celebrity gossip'..."
ebony said on 01st November ...
"The woman can't win can she? Okay, its clear that she is slightly unhinged, self obsessed and deluded, and yes a lot of what is said about her is probably true. But does she deserve the level of vitriol and loathing that the public and press heap on her? I don't think so.
I struggle with this debate because I find Heather Mills a person who engenders very little good feeling and this makes it difficult to have any sympathy for her. However we should remember she has not committed a crime, she married someone (A Beatle, not a beetle Mr Jimmy Jimmy) had a child and it didn't work out, why does everyone have a go at her for that? And all this talk about multi million pound settlements, as far as I am aware, she hasn't had the settlement yet. And its not as though Paul McCartney wasn't warned about her, why didn't he sort out a pre-nup? If anyone should be taken to task about their behaviour shouldn't it be him - he should really know better!
We should be concerned for this woman's mental health, she is obviously not very well. ..... One last thing, it is the press that continues to call her Heather Mills-McCartney (recognising that the name is more interesting that using her maiden one), she might quite like it too, but I suggest we all stop using it....... in fact, lets stop talking about her altogether."
david said on 01st November ...
"Mishcon de Raya, should take some responsibility for the advice they give deluded and vunerable clients."
Jimmy Jimmy said on 01st November ...
"The thing that she seems to forget is that she is running all over the place asking for sympathy. Something that is going to be in short supply if you have just got a multimillion pound settlement after being married to a national icon for a matter of a few years. The thing to do here surely is to be dignified and keep schtumm.
She has also forgotten that everyone apart for Macca saw this coming; she was never going to become a Linda now was she? The way that she dropped her boyfriend to pursue Macca was testament to everything that has happened since. She made a calculated decision, bag a Beetle and bag fame and fortune. What she got was infamy and a fortune; one out of two is not bad though.
Yes she is universally loathed but there is no smoke without fire. Can anyone think of one person that has the total and consistent bad press that she has had? There is no one and nothing favourable to say about her. Even Bernard Manning had a few fans.
She is not an icon for our times, neither feminist, nor disabled. But when you think about it there should have a well of sympathy for her when she got married, the one legged woman bags her man, she had overcome obstacles to achieve. That did not happen because of one simple fact, she is not and was not a nice person. Its simple Heather that’s why no one likes you.
Has anyone noticed has not dropped her married name?"
t said on 01st November ...
"Surely the press has been exaggerating, but that’s what the press does and that’s what we love… gossip. Heather Mills can not expect the public and the press to like her in the slightest if she marries, divorced and takes such a large amount of money in a short period of time… and then goes around crying about it..."