Summer Fashion, Winter Weather
It’s bikini season…hurrah! Or at least it should be. But one look out of the office window tells us that we’re not going to be looking quite right in this season’s neon shades against a backdrop of whipping winds, grey skies and right-up-to-your-middle puddles.
So what do you do when weather and fashion just won’t mix? Let us help you out…
Dump the maxi-dress
Pavement brushing florals may look wonderful when you’re Nicole Richie, flitting about sun-drenched LA but it’s a whole different story when we’re facing summertime floods and that all too common puddle waiting for you at the bus stop. So short of tucking your dress in to your knickers or taking your scissors to your latest buy the only thing to do is save your maxi for a sunny day…there must be one coming our way soon.
Embrace the mini
Whether it’s a cute shift style mini-dress or some uber-short shorts floating your sartorial boat this season don’t let them go to waste just because Mother Nature’s feeling mean. Head for Boots to stock up on opaque tights and show those pins with pride. The bonus? Even those of us with less than Moss-esque thighs can pull off a shorter style and we don’t even have to shave. Shhhh.
Pack a mac
Once the preserve of dirty old men and outside news presenters, the mac is now the very chicest way to keep the wind at bay. Chances are there’ll be one or two on the summer sale racks and if not you can rest assured that this isn’t a look that’ll be leaving the fashion pages any time soon. Combat wind with a turned up collar and humidity with sleeves pushed up to the elbow. Add headscarf for true Hepburn style.
Sport sportswear
Designers must have a hotline to the Gods when they predicted that the sportswear look would be a must this year. Why? Intelligent clothing that can keep you dry in the rain and cool in the warm, quick drying materials designed for all weather wear, comfy layers of jersey to add and remove as required and, of course, the mighty parka. It’s got a hood, it’s waterproof but it’s been reworked so you don’t look like an extra from a 70s episode of Grange Hill.
If all else fails, wellies are a winner
You might look like you’ve just come in from the nearest farm, but embrace the summer festival look with a pair of Hunters (don’t go down the wacky design route please, Mossy and Madge don’t do cute heart shapes down Gloucestershire way do they now?) and you’ll be laughing with nice dry feet while your colleagues teeter around with trench foot.
Just don’t bother
Leave your oversized sunglasses for those bright Autumnal days, you’re not Victoria Beckham after all…

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