Root causes of female hair loss

Losing hair, be it thinning, receding or even balding, is often considered a man’s problem, but the truth is that women experience hair loss as well. Although less common, it is certainly more traumatic for a woman to lose her hair.
The good news is, if you’re a woman trying to cope with losing hair, you’re definitely not at a loss when it comes to treatment options.
The normal rate of shedding hair is between 50 and 100 strands a day, which out of well over a total of 100,000 hairs is minimal. Shedding hair is a natural process, which allows your body to grow more. However, if the natural shedding increases to losing more than 100 hairs daily, you will start to begin to notice a difference.
For some women, thinning hair may be a part of the ageing process or the result of hormonal changes. Many postnatal women experience an increase in hair loss following the birth of their baby, but this usually settles down and stops in the months following delivery.
For other women, hair loss can be through heredity and irreversible. However, there are other causes, many of which are temporary and reversible.
Excessive stress or depression are known factors that can induce hair loss, as television presenter Gail Porter will attest to. Other health factors, such as iron deficiency, surgery, reactions to prescription drugs or underlying medical conditions such as thyroid problems, can cause it too. Overuse or improper application of chemicals such as curl relaxers, perm solutions and hair dye can also cause hair loss. Even wearing the same hair clips every day can cause problems. Receding hairlines are common among ballerinas who continually scrape their hair back in a bun.
The first step in dealing with hair loss is to find out why it’s happening. Keeping track of your diet, medications and what chemicals you use on your hair may help you identify a cause, as will looking for any significant changes within your life. If you notice a problem, visit your doctor. You may be referred to a hair loss specialist who will give you a thorough examination and may do a scalp biopsy to try to identify the cause.
There are many different treatment options, depending on the cause and nature of your hair loss. Rogaine for women has been known to improve the condition for some. You may be told that stress is the cause, for which you may be offered anti-depressant medication or counselling. If dietary factors are involved, you may benefit immensely from nutritional supplements.
The good news for many women is that once the root of the problem is found, the roots of the hair stand a good chance of fully recovering.
Quick fixes can also help to disguise the problem of thinning hair. Mousse, hair pieces and other volume-enhancing products can help create the illusion of more hair, which can help maintain self confidence levels while you are undergoing medical investigation or treatments.
Picture caption: Hormones play havoc – hair loss can occur before or after giving birth.

MyVillage 14th February
