Good Shoes – Think Before You Speak
Release date: Out Now
Format: Album
Genre: Indie/Pop/Rock
Our Rating: 4
Good Shoes offer up a funky band sound, with a touch of Brit punk/pop. Short and sweet, there are good hooks to get you moving on every track, meaning this is going to be a dance floor favourite with all young, confused, frustrated teen rock fans. Very much of the moment, imagine a mix of The Strokes and The Smiths.
Review by Pickles, MyVillage
Press Release:
The contradictory world that Good Shoes inhabit is a beautiful ball of youthful confusion. At once cheerfully naïve and knowingly wise, cynically lovelorn yet doughy-eyed, these are universally common themes that permeate all fourteen tracks of pop perfection on ‘Think Before You Speak’. Despite recording in Sweden, Good Shoes returned with an album that is distinctly British, yet, despite even Rhys’ London accent, strangely universal. It’s the classic rock ‘n’ roll recipe of catchy, articulate songs of teenage insecurity and arrogance, suburban boredom and frustration, none more clearly spelled out than on the deliriously bittersweet ‘Modern’ and ‘Sophia’. Mostly though the songs have one thing in common with every great ‘sound of the suburbs’. Every song belongs on the dance-floor.

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