Interview: Sohodolls
So I stand corrected you can indeed bear the title dolls regardless of manly stature. The Sohodolls a family of five have polished up the music scene with their eclectic sound and doll-face appearance. Having emerged among a slew of Indie bands, the Sohodolls are insistent they are no conveyor belt product or low-lying band. MyVillage caught up with the band as they plan to conquer Baghdad...
The band consists of one female and four blokes – is Sohodolls a fitting name?
Of course it is! New York Dolls were all male, so are Goo Goo Dolls and Murder Dolls etc…. Unless of course you mean there shouldn’t be any female contingent given the history?
What’s your sound?
Ribbed. Multi textured, eclectic and genre-bending.
What embarrassing mishap/s has happened to you on stage?
We don’t get embarrassed, the audience does. Like a bloody tampon flying out, or breaking teeth and spitting them out.
What do you prefer – studio or live?
Who’s the lightweight in the band?
We’re all heavy-weights but it would probably be Maya ‘cos she’s the smallest.
What motto, adage or slogan coins the attitude of Sohodolls?
‘The show must go on’
What are your favourite haunts in Soho?
Lots! French House, Dog and Duck, Garlic & Shots, Soho Square in the summer.
In your opinion with the constant churn of new Indie bands - is the Indie scene reaching saturation point?
So long as the NME keep finding new skinny white boys with guitars who look like the Beatles/Oasis/Libertines… no. Press creates a market. But yeah, personally, the Indie scene reached saturation point a few years ago. We like Uffie, The Knife, Noisettes, Superbus, Adrienne Pauly etc.
What track from Sohodolls should be placed on repeat?
Bang Bang Bang Bang
What’s Sohodolls’ game plan?
World domination… failing that the Northern hemisphere. Failing that - Baghdad…
The Sohodolls are on tour throughout September and October - See dates here.

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