Shy Child - Summer
Release date: Out now
Format: Single
Genre: Indie Rock
Our Rating: 4/5
A fine fast paced bit of electro rock from the New York duo that is no summer anthem, but still a cracking tune.It’s more Maximo Park than lounging in the park and it grabs your attention early on and drags you along for a breathless few minutes.
The Bravery were recent successful US imports and Shy Child deserve the same respect and success that their compatriots received.
John Prendergast, MyVillage
Press Release: New York duo Shy Child will close the summer with panache with the release of their new single. It is the stand out track from the album Noise won’t stop and will be familiar to anyone whose has experienced their live shows.
Having kicked off the summer in style with the release of their brilliant Wall Of Sound debut album Noise Won’t Stop, New York duo Shy Child will close it with equal panache with the release of their new single Summer.
A two-man sonic armada, Shy Child are Pete Cafarella and Nate Smith – a New York-based keys & drums duo, capable of making a towering bombardment of sound, larger than that of bands numbering five times as many members. A combination of dance music energy and virtuoso musicianship, they stand out from their peers with their blend of rock energy, fat throbbing synths and hip-hop beats – as perhaps the White Stripes might sound were Jack influenced by Kraftwerk as much as he was Led Zeppelin. And replaced Meg with Clyde Stubblefield
Summer is the standout track from Noise Won’t Stop and will be familiar to anyone who’s experienced Shy Child’s genius live show in its extended form as the jaw-dropping set closer. And Shy Child have been wowing audiences all summer, having toured with Klaxons and Reverend And The Makers, ramming out festival tents with show stealing performances at Glastonbury and Wireless and playing in front of 80,000 people while supporting Muse at one of their two historic Wembley Stadium gigs.
The single will come backed with a host of remixes including versions from the likes of Mark One, South Central, Seiji and The Infadels and will also feature exclusive new track Murder Capital and a Buraka Som Sistema mix of previous single Noise Won’t Stop.
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