- Author:
Release date: Out now
Format: Single
Genre: Experimental
Our Rating: 3/5
Imagine the drumming of a marching band migrating into Marilyn Mason mode, then finally merging into incoherent alien-like squeals -ermmmmmm…my thoughts exactly.But this track is annoyingly catchy. It gets the blood rushing, or gushing, in some cases as it won’t be every ones cup of tea. Bending with rhythm, beats, funk, jazz and rock, the Battle is only half won.
Review by Priya, MyVillage
Press Release
A long time coming, the first album proper from Battles is sure to be greeted with anticipation. The result in Mirrored simply could not have been speculated and is completely unique in its sound and style, even in comparison to previous work. For Mirrored charts an accomplished evolution since their last recordings. Still entirely intact are the unflinching experimentations and metallic angles of their young catalogue, but a new melodic insight has manifested itself in the form of some of their most engaging tracks yet. First single Atlas, is a verifiable anthem, unrelenting and gigantic, but never surrenders the skewed aesthetic of the band’s past. With Atlas comes an incredible music video by Tim Saccenti – details of which will be with you soon.
Offering insight into Mirrored, Battles reflected: “This record is a culmination of ideas that we were working with in the past and directions in music we were going towards individually. It’s not so much a new direction as it is taking what we’ve done and going in four different directions with it.
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