Envelopes- Smoke in the desert, eating the sand...
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Envelopes- Smoke in the desert, eating the sand...
Release date: Out now
Genre: Indie Rock
Format: Single
Our Rating: 3/5
On this title, ’Smoke in the desert, eating the sand, hide in the grass’ I muttered to myself, and finally came to the conclusion that such a title must have been fuelled by an amalgamation of narcotics, or it derived from a Tourettes outburst. Whatever the outcome, its abrupt titling is cleverly cliffhangerish and will make you dig further. So, let the excavation begin…boisterous in rhythm, knotty in vocals and devastatingly juicy, especially when you jack up the tweeder on MAX. Appropriately for Envelopes this track is signed, sealed and delivered.
Review By Priya, MyVillage
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