Help She Can’t Swim-Hospital Drama
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Help She Can’t Swim-Hospital Drama
Release date: Out now
Format: Single
Genre: Rock-Punk
Our Rating: 2/5
Ouch! This is prickly. Stooopid me, I didn’t realise I had the notch up to max , slammed in the CD, earphones pinned in and now I feel traumatised, acutely deaf and left with a throbbing headache. Hospital Drama can truly be recreating when slipping this number into your player. Ringing ears, brash guitars and LOUD vocals- a Sid Vicious overkill. Help She Can’t Swim, may just be drowning.
Review By Priya, MyVillage
Press Release
The single, available on 7”, 7” picture disc and download, is lifted from the bands second album, The Death Of Nightlife, which is due for release on April 30th.
HELP SHE CAN’T SWIM formed in late 2003 whilst still at college in Southampton. Releasing their debut album, Fashionista Super Dance Troupe in 2004, to much acclaim, the last two years have seen the band tour extensively, release a clutch of limited edition EPs and record their second album.
Produced by Justin Callaway at Vivid Studios in Southampton, The Death Of Nightlife tempers the relentless energy of their debut album, the end result being a much more considered record, yet one that still fizzes and pops with an infectious energy and spirit.
HELP SHE CAN’T SWIM are: Tom Denney (voice, guitar), Leesey Francis (voice, keys), Tim Palmer (bass) & Lewis Baker (drums).
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