Needles-Girl I Used To Know
- Author:
Needles-Girl I Used To Know
Release date: Out now
Format: Single
Genre: Indie Rock
Our Rating: 3/5
When I heard this sprightly track, I felt like jumping into a drop top car doing a Thelma & Louise-stylee.This single is airy and light, the perfect pick-me –up track when you’re crooning passer bys whilst gassing the road at 60mph. I have to admit, when it comes to singing lyrics, let’s just say one murmurs words rather then eloquently re-hashing verses, but on the second hearing I was reciting the chorus, like a Shakespeare poem, “She is just a girl I use to know…la-li-la…” . Easy on the ears and catchy on the mouth-thumbs up!
Review by Priya, MyVillage
Press release
The Needles specialise in tightly-packed fizz-bombs of perfectly-formed pop-sensibility style punk – the latest in a lineage that takes in three minute heroes like Buddy Holly, Beach Boys, The Clash and Supergrass with echos of XTC-style new wave. But this is no re-hash of old riffs. The Needles deal in future retro-ism – timeless melodies about love and life and loss delivered by men with one eye on distant alternative futures, and all glued together by an instinctive Ramones-esque brotherly bond.
The Needles are like Satan’s own High School prom band, all insurgent pop-flecked punk shockers, angular shape-throwing and a deluge of hormonal anthems delivered with the precision of a frontline soldier with a hand-grenade pin jammed between his teeth.
Like a joke-shop tin of snakes springing forth, live The Needles explode into action, singer Dave Needles a sinewy, bespectacled blitzkrieg ringleader with a cant-keep-your-eyes-off-him stage presence and a fine sense of self-aggrandising, finger-popping shtick that would shame Elvis or James Brown.
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