One-Two: O-Hot Brain
Release date: 23rd April 2007
Format: CD single
Genre: Cheesy electro pop
Our Rating: 3/5
Sounding like a line from last years IT Crowd, ‘O-Hot Brain’ is an odd titled new single from One-Two, the Parisian funk, punk electro bods that brought you the album ‘Love Again’. The title seems to indicate a headache inducing complexity, which the song does seem to possess, at least to some extent. The track is ostensibly a simple electro poppy affair, but the terms of the song change so much in its short span that it leaves your head all over the place. This isn’t quite as unpleasant as it sounds though, ‘O-Hot Brain’ is instead a decent little pick-me-up of a record, one which would be a good startup for any given night out and as such seems well timed with the limited British sunshine.
The remixes on the single are decent enough too, which is a rarity in my opinion, usually I think that remixes are just filler to accompany any new single, but these aren’t actually that bad. ‘The filthy Dukes Society’ remix is, contary to its title, a chilled out mashed together version of the original, while, ironically enough, the ‘Destoyed by Pedro and Panama’ is a much dirtier remix filled with plenty of retro electro sounds seemingly taken from a ravaged old Gameboy. Sadly in my humble opinion, the interestingly titled ‘Radioclit’ remix is one of the chavvier versions, not bad, but when played side by side with the others it just can’t stand up. Altogther though, a decent little package that can perk up any party atmos.
Review by Paul Walters

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