A number of patients have been coming
into the office suffering from a variety of symptoms, all of which
can be traced to a lack of fibre intake. Most were eating plenty
of whole grains: bread, cereal and rice, but no one was eating enough
fibre. What kinds of symptoms result from eating too little fibre?
Most commonly I see constipation, acne, elevated cholesterol levels,
headaches, haemorrhoids, chronically elevated liver enzyme systems,
PMS and irritable bowel syndrome. You might ask how a lack of fibre
intake can cause this wide array of symptoms. To understand the
importance of this macronutrient, you first need to understand that
there are two very different types of fibre.
The first type of fibre that comes to mind is the 'insoluble type'.
This fibre, found in whole grains and vegetables, helps keep us
regular and reduces the risk for colon problems from constipation
and irritable bowel syndrome to colon cancer. This is the type of
fibre your mother may have called 'roughage'. Water insoluble fibre
is critical for the proper functioning of the colon. It ensures
that the undigested and indigestible food moves quickly through
the small and large intestines and does not stay in any one spot
too long where it may irritate the lining of the intestines. It
also binds up bile from the liver and gall bladder which contains
oil soluble wastes such as excess hormones and pesticides residues.
These need to be removed from the body through the bowels quickly
or they will be reabsorbed and circulate through the body again
before again being removed by the liver. The increase in body toxin
levels can cause headaches and fatigue. The attempt by the body
to remove excess levels of unwanted chemicals through the skin can
cause acne and aggravate eczema. Since excess hormone levels are
thought to be one factor in PMS and acne, as well as migraine headaches,
these types of problems may be caused by a lack of insoluble fibre.
Insoluble fibre is also important in treating any type of liver
trouble from elevated enzyme levels to hepatitis.
The second type of fibre is called 'water soluble' fibre and is
found in oats, beans and certain fruit, especially apples. This
is the type of fibre that binds up cholesterol and removes it from
the body. It can help lower total cholesterol levels, reducing your
risk for heart disease and it will reduce your risk for gallstones.
Many nutrition experts believe that this may be the meaning behind
the saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. Although not
a cure for the flu, eating an apple a day may well prevent a visit
to the cardiologist.
A separate type of water soluble fibre called 'lignan' is now being
studied because of its effect in lowering women's risk for breast
cancer. The highest food source for lignan is flax seed meal. Whereas
flax seed oil contains a full range of essential fatty acids which
can help reduce allergy related problems and inflammations as well
as reducing the risk for heart disease, it contains no fibre, or
lignan. This lignan is the part that seems to be able to prevent
breast cancer as well as reduce the risk for recurrence in breast
cancer survivors. One theory about how lignans work is that they
bind oestrogen, helping to reduce circulating oestrogen levels in
a women's body. But, more than other fibres, lignans can also be
changed by gut bacteria, absorbed into the body and affect cancer
cells in a way that makes them less able to multiply. While the
exact mechanism for this action is still being elucidated, taking
some flax seed meal (ground whole flax seeds) in a bowl of oatmeal
in the morning seems worthwhile for those with an elevated risk
for breast cancer, along with proper diet and nutritional supplements.
Total fibre intake is also important. A high fibre intake insures
an even blood sugar level helping to prevent hypoglycaemia and evening
out blood sugar levels in diabetics. A high fibre intake also helps
you to feel full longer on fewer calories, helping to maintain a
healthy body weight.
Heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer. Diseases affecting 30%
of all Americans over age 50 which can be linked to a 'fast food'
or 'westernised' diet. All are linked in one way or another to low
fibre intake.
The easy solution to all these problems is to eat more fibre. Ideally,
you should try to get at least two servings of both water soluble
and water insoluble fibre daily. This translates for most people
into eating vegetables at both lunch and dinner every day, as well
as having a snack of an apple and replacing sugary cereal with oat
bran or oatmeal. It is also important to choose whole grain foods
rather than breads and pasta made of white flour. For those with
specific diseases, higher levels of intake are needed. And remember,
to prevent fibre from becoming like cement in your gut, you must
drink 8 glasses of water each day. Supplements (such as psyllium
seeds which contain both water soluble and insoluble fibre) are
available, but food sources are the best choice for long term health.
Dr. Jennifer Brett
Dr. Brett is a naturopathic physician with offices in Stratford
and Stamford, CT