& Beauty - E: |
Pregnancy, Healthy Baby (FDA Consumer
magazine) |
Good Care
Eating for Two
Avoid Infections
The 'Naughty' Stuff
Home Pregnancy Tests
Testing for Birth Defects |
Good Food, And Prenatal Care Are the Keys by
Rebecca D. Williams |
When I was pregnant with my third
child, I had two friends who were also expecting. We would get together
once a week and, over milkshakes, compare our growing bellies and
laugh about our big maternity pants.
We would also share our fears. Together
we obsessed about nearly everything that could go wrong in the 40
weeks of pregnancy. What are these pains? Why am I so tired? How
much will labor hurt? Can I handle another child? And the big one:
Will my baby be healthy?
Worries and pregnancy seem to go
hand in hand. Fortunately, however, most women of childbearing age
are healthy and most pregnancies are considered "low-risk." For
most women, the surest way to have a healthy baby is to live a healthy
lifestyle. The March of Dimes suggests the following precautions:
- Get early prenatal care, even
before you're pregnant.
- Eat a well-balanced diet, including
a vitamin supplement that contains folic acid.
- Exercise regularly with your
doctor's permission.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and
illicit drugs, and limit caffeine.
- Avoid x-rays, hot tubs, and saunas.
- Avoid infections.
Good Care |
When it comes to medical care and
pregnancy, you can never start too early.
"The best start to having a healthy
baby is to see your health-care provider before you conceive," says
Richard Schwarz, M.D., an obstetrician and national consultant for
the March of Dimes.
"There are lots of things you can
do ahead of time," Schwarz adds. "You can make sure you're immune
to rubella [German measles], you can know your blood type, you can
stop smoking and make sure your diet is healthy, and you can get
any illnesses you might have under control."
Once you're pregnant, your health
professional--either an obstetrician, family practitioner, nurse-practitioner,
or nurse-midwife--will have you begin with monthly visits that increase
to once a week or more at the end.
At each visit, the physician or
nurse will perform a series of examinations and tests to determine
the health of the mother and baby. These include measuring the growth
of the uterus, listening to the baby's heartbeat, taking the mother's
blood pressure and weight, and checking her urine for evidence of
protein or sugar, which could be symptoms of complications. The
care provider will ask the mother if she has any concerns or problems
such as blurred vision, leg cramps, abdominal cramps, or unusual
headaches. The mother may also undergo ultrasound and genetic tests
during the pregnancy.
Although prenatal visits may seem
simple and even mundane, their importance can't be overestimated.
Years of research have shown that pregnant women who get adequate
prenatal care are more likely to have healthy babies and fewer complications
during labor and recovery. Says Schwarz, "We know that pregnancy
outcomes are better in women with early prenatal care."
for Two |
Good nutrition is another crucial
step in having a healthy baby. A pregnancy takes about 300 extra
calories a day to maintain, and an average-sized woman can expect
to gain between 25 and 35 pounds overall.
Those extra calories should be nutritious
ones, however. A pregnant woman needs a balanced diet complete with
protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and a minimum of
sweets and fats.
"Good nutrition is extremely important
even before a pregnancy," says Shirley Blakely, Ph.D., a registered
dietitian with the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Food
Safety and Applied Nutrition. "If nature favors the growing fetus,
the mother will suffer if she hasn't had a good diet."
According to the March of Dimes,
a pregnant woman should increase her daily food portions to include:
- 6 to 11 servings of breads and
other whole grains
- 3 to 5 servings of vegetables
- 2 to 4 servings of fruits
- 4 to 6 servings of milk and milk
- 3 to 4 servings of meat and protein
- 6 to 8 glasses of water, and
no more than one soft drink or cup of coffee per day to limit
Some nutrients have been found to
provide specific benefit to mother or child. For example, the B
vitamins have been found to be especially important. One of them,
folate, or its synthetic form, folic acid, can reduce the risk of
birth defects of the brain and spinal cord, called the "neural tube."
Each year, an estimated 2,500 babies
are born with neural tube defects. The most common of these is spina
bifida, in which the spine is not closed. The exposed nerves are
damaged, leaving the child with varying degrees of paralysis, incontinence,
and sometimes mental retardation.
Because neural tube defects develop
in the first 28 days after conception, "Once you know you're pregnant
it's too late to do anything about [them]," says Blakely.
Because half of all pregnancies
are unplanned, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends that all
women of childbearing age get 400 micrograms of folic acid each
day. If all women received that amount daily, the incidence of neural
tube defects might be reduced by an estimated 45 percent, studies
suggest. To help reach this goal, FDA now requires that all flour
products, such as breads, buns and bagels, be fortified with extra
folic acid.
Natural sources of folic acid include
green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, and citrus fruits. It's also
in many fortified breakfast cereals and some vitamin supplements.
Calcium and iron are also especially
important during pregnancy. Getting enough calcium will help prevent
a new mother from losing her own bone density as the fetus uses
the mineral for bone growth. Iron helps both the mother and baby's
blood carry oxygen. Most women need supplements to maintain adequate
levels of these minerals. A daily vitamin supplement, while not
an adequate substitute for a healthy diet, helps fill in the gaps
on days when a woman's diet is less than perfect.
Infections |
Many infections during pregnancy
can be dangerous to an unborn child. Urinary tract infections and
any sexually transmitted diseases need to be treated immediately.
Cat litter and raw meat may contain
the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which can cause toxoplasmosis
infection. It's rare for a pregnant woman to get the infection,
but if she does, her baby could be at risk for serious illness or
death. Get someone else to change the kitty litter if possible,
or wear a face mask and rubber gloves for protection.
Problems also may arise when a pregnant
woman eats undercooked or raw foods, or cooked foods that have been
cross-contaminated with bacteria from raw food nearby. Food poisoning
can cause meningitis, pneumonia, or even death to an unborn child,
plus the vomiting and diarrhea involved leave the mother exhausted
and dehydrated. (See "On the Home Front" in the November-December
1997 FDA Consumer.)
'Naughty' Stuff |
Nearly everyone knows pregnant women
shouldn't take illicit drugs, but it's the legal ones--alcohol and
tobacco--that are more commonly the source of pregnancy problems.
"I think if women truly understood
the adverse impact smoking and drinking have on their babies, they
would quit," says Jeffrey King, M.D., the director of the division
of maternal and fetal medicine at Wright State University School
of Medicine, and the author of a recent study on substance abuse
in pregnancy.
Smokers put their babies at a significantly
higher risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth compared
with nonsmokers. After birth, the babies of mothers who smoked during
pregnancy are more likely to have poor lung development, asthma
and respiratory infections, and to die of sudden infant death syndrome
If a woman quits smoking early in
pregnancy, however, she can still improve her chances of having
a healthy baby. Expectant fathers or other members of the family
should quit, too, because studies suggest breathing second-hand
smoke may be dangerous as well.
Alcohol, too, can damage a developing
fetus. Alcohol travels rapidly to the bloodstream, so when an expectant
mother drinks, her baby drinks also.
Alcohol is known to cause mental
retardation and facial abnormalities in babies, a condition called
fetal alcohol syndrome. The Institute of Medicine estimates some
12,000 children with fetal alcohol syndrome are born in the United
States each year. No one knows what amount of alcohol is safe during
pregnancy; therefore, the U.S. Surgeon General recommends pregnant
women avoid alcohol altogether.
A few other activities are known
to be dangerous during pregnancy. X-rays can expose the fetus to
radiation and potentially cause birth defects. Hot tubs and saunas
can raise the core temperature of a pregnant woman's body and could
potentially harm the fetus. Warm baths, however, are fine if the
water is kept at body temperature.
Medications |
Many drugs are appropriate for use
in pregnancy, if really needed. But a pregnant woman shouldn't take
any medication, even an over-the-counter one, unless she checks
with her doctor first. If possible, she should avoid taking drugs
in the first trimester or taking more than one medication at a time.
She can also ask for the lowest dose possible to treat her condition.
Some medications have a long history
of being used in pregnancy without problems. A pregnant woman shouldn't
be deprived of drug therapy she really needs, says Sandra Kweder,
M.D., the co-chair of FDA's task force on pregnancy labeling. She
adds that women with pre-existing medical conditions such as epilepsy,
lupus, asthma, or high blood pressure shouldn't quit their drugs
because of pregnancy. Safer drugs can be used if necessary, but
those medical conditions still need to be treated.
Kweder explains, "A common thing
with patients is that they'll say, 'I know I'm supposed to take
medication, but I'm worried about my baby, so I'll take less of
it instead.' They'll take it every other day, or half as much. That's
not wise."
The risks of a drug have to be weighed
against its benefits. For example, some epilepsy drugs are known
to cause birth defects, but an epileptic seizure can cause brain
damage to the fetus. Most experts agree that the benefits of medication
in such cases outweigh the risks.
Other drugs, however, are not so
clear-cut. "It's really hard because there aren't easy answers,"
says Kweder. "For a baby to be healthy, it needs a mother who's
healthy." However, most drugs have not been tested scientifically
in pregnant women. Reliable scientific information about medication
use in pregnancy is often incomplete or nonexistent. FDA is trying
to change that.
The agency has begun a comprehensive
review about how it regulates drugs for pregnant women and how safety
information is communicated on the label. The present system is
not as helpful as the agency would like. "The system has been criticized,
and rightly so," says Kweder. "It is complicated to interpret data
for medications used in pregnancy. We're making progress, but it's
A new system is needed, she says,
but it will be difficult to create. Drugs can't be tested in pregnant
women the same as in other groups of people. Animal studies, while
helpful, don't necessarily show what a drug will do to a woman and
developing fetus.
In the meantime, a woman who has
taken a drug and discovers she is pregnant should consult her doctor
and avoid making decisions about her pregnancy in panic. While about
80 percent of approved drugs lack adequate scientific evidence about
use in pregnancy, that doesn't necessarily mean they can harm the
fetus or are harmful in the doses prescribed.
Only a very few drugs definitely
known to be extremely bad for a human fetus are clearly labeled
or, in one case, have special requirements attached to their approval.
The drug thalidomide, which was recently approved by FDA to treat
leprosy and is being explored for other uses, is devastating to
developing fetuses and causes severe deformities of the arms and
legs. FDA is requiring that patients who take the drug enroll in
a national registry that will track their progress monthly and record
the occurrence of any pregnancy. The hope is that this process will
discourage physicians from prescribing the drug to women who might
become pregnant and keep patients from "sharing" the drug with a
woman of childbearing age.
Exercise |
There's increasing medical evidence
to show that exercise, even a vigorous workout, is healthy during
pregnancy. An October 1998 study published in the American Journal
of Public Health found that exercise is usually safe during pregnancy,
and that women who exercised vigorously were more likely to carry
their babies to full term compared with women who exercised less
or not at all.
A pregnant woman should check with
her doctor before exercising, however. If she gets the OK to work
out, she should do so at least three times a week for 20 minutes
each time, recommends the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Walking, swimming, riding a stationary
bicycle, and joining a prenatal aerobics class are all excellent
exercise choices for a pregnant woman. Exercises that require jerky,
bouncy movements and being outside in hot weather are not good choices.
Don't try deep knee bends, sit-ups (or any exercise that requires
you to lie on your back after the first trimester), and toe touches.
Other sports to avoid include downhill skiing, rock climbing, and
horseback riding.
Wear a supportive bra and properly
fitting athletic shoes while exercising. Stop if you feel dizzy,
faint, overheated, or in pain. Drink plenty of water.
Staying in shape will help you keep
up your stamina during your own impending marathon--labor! And,
afterward, the more muscle mass you have, the quicker you'll regain
your pre-pregnancy shape and be able to pack away those maternity
Rebecca D. Williams is a writer
in Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Pregnancy Tests |
Think you might be pregnant? A home
pregnancy test is simple to do and can give you an accurate answer
in 2 to 5 minutes.
Improved technology has made the
urine home pregnancy test about as accurate as blood tests--99 percent
under perfect conditions--although in actual use it may be less
than that.
Using a woman's urine, a home pregnancy
test detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG),
a hormone produced only during pregnancy. The tests contain monoclonal
antibodies, which are molecules coated with a substance that bonds
to the pregnancy hormone. If the hormone is present, a colored stripe,
dot, or other symbol appears in the test windows. The tests also
contain "control" windows to indicate whether the device has functioned
Although the makers of today's tests
say their products can detect hCG as soon as the very day a missed
period was supposed to begin, they also advise taking the test again
a few days later to confirm the result. If the result is positive,
see a doctor as soon as possible.
for Birth Defects |
Many women undergo tests during
pregnancy to check for birth defects, genetic disorders, and other
problems. A few of the most common tests are ultrasound scans, the
alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test, amniocentesis, and chorionic villi
sampling (CVS). Each of these can be helpful in diagnosing problems,
but the tests are not necessary for every pregnancy. Check with
your doctor about what tests, if any, are appropriate for you.
Ultrasound--Ultrasound technology
uses high-frequency sound waves to form pictures of the fetus on
a computer screen. The test can verify a due date, determine causes
of bleeding, check the overall health, development, sex and position
of the baby, measure the amniotic fluid, and check the condition
of the placenta. There are no known risks from the tests, and many
women have one or two ultrasounds in routine pregnancies. However,
there is little scientific evidence that normal pregnancies benefit
from ultrasound tests.
Alpha-fetoprotein Screening (AFP)--A
simple blood test that poses no risk to the fetus, AFP screening
measures the levels of alpha-fetoprotein in the mother's blood.
Abnormal levels can indicate a brain or spinal cord defect, the
presence of twins, a miscalculated due date, or an increased risk
of Down syndrome. Because AFP levels can be elevated for a number
of reasons, a positive test is usually repeated or followed up by
other tests before a diagnosis is made. Very few women with elevated
AFP levels are found later to have babies with birth defects.
Amniocentesis--This test examines
the cells shed by the fetus into the surrounding amniotic fluid.
Performed about 16 weeks into pregnancy, the test involves inserting
a long, thin needle through the mother's abdomen to extract fluid
from the womb. The cells must be cultured in a laboratory and it
may take up to a month for test results to be ready. The test is
a reliable indicator of chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome
or genetic disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease, Hunter's syndrome,
and others. While usually safe, amniocentesis can trigger cramping,
leakage of amniotic fluid, and vaginal bleeding, and it may increase
the risk of miscarriage by about 0.5 to 1 percent. The test is only
done on women at increased risk of having babies with genetic disorders
or to assess the maturity of the baby's lungs in the last trimester.
Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS)--Performed
between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy, CVS can detect the same genetic
abnormalities as amniocentesis. It involves inserting a catheter
or needle into the womb and extracting some of the chorionic villi
(cells from the tissue that will become the placenta). The chorionic
villi contain the same chromosomes as the fetus. The test is relatively
safe but it has a greater risk of miscarriage than amniocentesis.
While there has been some concern that the test itself may be associated
with limb deformities, many geneticists believe that CVS performed
between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy does not increase that risk.
More About Pregnancy
March of Dimes
(Organization devoted to healthy
pregnancies and preventing birth defects.)
1275 Mamaroneck Ave.
White Plains, NY 10605
(914) 428-7100
FDA Publications
"Important Patient Information on Thalidomide"
"Decreasing the Chance of Birth
FDA Consumer article