Health - E: |
Directory |
Casualty Wards
Minor Injuries Clinics
Children's Wards
Local Hospitals with children's wards
Family Doctors - GP's
Children's Chiropody Services
Community Midwives Health Visitors
Child Health Clinics
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Child Mental Health Services
Information About Health Services
Wards |
cases of urgent need call 999.
Local hospitals with a casualty department open 24 hours: |
Charing Cross Hospital
Fulham Palace Road
W6 8RF
Tel: 020 8846 1234
Chelsea and Westminster
Separate Accident & Emergency Department for Children
369 Fulham Road
SW10 9NH
Tel: 020 8746 8601 / 8080 |
St Mary's Hospital
Praed Street
W2 1NY
Tel: 020 7725 6666
University College Hospital
Accident and Emergency
Grafton Way (near Euston Square)
Tel: 020 7387 9300 |
Injuries Clinics |
St Charles Hospital
Exmoor Street
W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 862 4262
There is non accident and emergency department at St Charles but
there is a walk-in minor injuries clinic which is able to treat
minor injuries such as simple wounds, broken bones, burns and scalds.
Seven days a week 9am-9pm
Wards |
Children's Wards are now very open and welcoming
towards parents. Parents are able to visit at any time and are encouraged
to be with their child as much as possible. It is possible to stay
overnights and sometimes a cubicle can be provided where the child
and parents can sleep together. Otherwise, there is space or parents
to sleep beside their child on the ward or separately in a room
near to the ward. Access to meals, kitchen facilities and bathrooms
are given.
Parents are encouraged to help care for their child while they are
in the hospital. They may be able to wash, feed, and dress them
as they would at home. This can be comforting for both the parent
and the child.
If the admission into hospital is a planned one, it can be helpful
to look at books about a hospital stay - parents should ask at their
local library. It may be possible to visit the children's ward in
advance - ask the Ward Sister.
It is reassuring for a child to be allowed to take their favourite
toy of comfort blanket into hospital - but please remember to mark
it clearly to prevent it from getting lost.
Hospitals with children's wards |
Chelsea and Westminster
369 Fulham Road
SW10 9NH
Tel: 020 8746 8000
Hammersmith Hospital
DuCane Road
W12 0HS
Tel: 0208 383 1000
St Mary's Hospital
Praed Street
W2 1NY
Tel: 020 7725 6666 |
Addresses |
Useful Addresses
Action for Sick Children (National Association for the Welfare of
Children in Hospital) Argyle House 29-31 Euston Road NW1 2SD
This organisation helps sick children and their families by providing
cared, support and information on hospital care, support and information
on hospital care. They produce leaflets for both parents and children
and have a booklist of recommended reading. |
Doctors - GP's |
If parents are not registered with a local GP then
they should do so as soon as possible rather than wait before they
or their children are ill and need urgent attention.
For information on GP's in Kensington and Chelsea and how to register,
contatct: Kensington & Chelsea and how to register, contact:
Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Health Authority
50 Eastbourne Terrace
W2 6LX
Tel: 020 7725 3322 / 3300 or 3365 / 3369 for direct queries about
click here for a list of local Family
Doctors - GP's
Prescriptions are free for all children under 16,
pregnant women, women who have had a baby in the last year and anyone
receiving Income Support or Family Credit.
For information about chemists in Kensington & Chelsea, contact
the Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Health Authority: see above.
Every police station keeps a list of emergency chemists and doctors
open in the area. Local newspapers also usually provide this information.
click here for a list of local
Dentists |
Children under 18 are eligible for free treatment
and so are expectant mothers and women who have had a baby in the
last year.
Fluoride drops and tablets, which can help prevent tooth decay in
young children can be bought at chemists or dentists.
For information about NHS dentists in Kensington and Chelsea, contact
the Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Health Authority: see above
click here for a list of local Dentists
Children under 16 automatically
get free sight tests and vouchers for glasses.
For further information about opticians in Kensington and Chelsea,
contact the Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Health Authority:
see above.
click here for a list of local Opticians |
Chiropody Services |
Riverside Community Health Care NHS Trust
and St Charles Hospital provide a chiropody service for children. |
Riverside Community Health
Care Trust
Tel: 0208 846 6767
Appointments are centrally administered for a number of clinics. |
St Charles Hospital
Raymede Health Clinic
Exmoor Street
W10 6DZ
Tel: 0208 962 4450 |
Midwives Health Visitors |
A community midwife visits mothers daily
after they come out of hospital until their babies are ten days
old. She can help with problems and can be contacted at any time
of the day of night. If there are any problems the midwife may visit
until the baby is a month old.
A health visitor every mother with a new baby. She usually
begins visiting when the baby is 10-15 days old and her visits will
be less frequent than the midwives. She can help with problems and
worries to do with the parent or the child.
Health visitors are qualified nurses who have done one year's extra
training in order to become a health visitor. They give advice about
services available in the neighbourhood for the family.
As well as the health visitor coming to the home, parents will be
able to visit her at the health centre, health clinic or doctor's
surgery, wherever she is based. The health visitor provides a service
for children up to 5 and then the school nurse takes over.
Health Clinics |
Though some clinics have their own premises, health
clinics are now run mostly through GPs, in collaboration with health
visitors. Health visitors can be contacted at the local health centre,
but it is a good idea to go through a GP first.
Centres offer baby milk and vitamins, usually at a lower price than
in the shops. Prices are subject to change. Fluoride drops are available
free from some clinics. Health centres and clinics are a good way
to met other parents and can offer other services such as dental
and chiropody clinics, speech therapy services, family planning
clinics, antenatal and postnatal clinics and women's health sessions
(cervical smears and breast checks). For some of these services
it will be necessary to make an appointment.
Parents should get in contact with their GP to find out exactly
what services the health clinic offers and what times various sessions
take place. The times listed for some centres are subject to change.
NHS Trust Clinics |
Colville Health Centre
51 Kensington Park Road
W11 1PA
Tel: 0207 221 2650
Tuesdays 9.30-11.30am, 1.30-3.30pm, Thursdays 1.30-3pm |
St Charles Family Centre
St Charles Hospital
Exmoor Street
W10 6DZ
Tel: 0208 962 4450
St Charles offers, amongst other services, a sleep clinic; dental/orthodontic
services; chiropody and audiology/speech therapy for children with
language difficulties. There is also a service called 'Outreach'
which is a clinic for children with disabilities (0208 962 4466).
Child Health Clinics are held Monday-Friday afternoons. Please ring
for details of venues.
Walmer Road Clinic
Eastry House
226 Walmer Road
W11 4ET
Tel: 0207 243 0296
Monday 1.30-3.30pm Friday 10.30-12pm
Walmer Road offers baby massage as well as a post-natal group on
Wednesdays from 10am-12pm.
Holland Street Clinic
9-11 Holland Street
W8 4NA
Tel: 0208 846 6200
Check with the clinic for times |
and Childbirth |
Pregnancy Testing
A free pregnancy test can be done by a GP or local Family Planning
Clinic. It is possible to buy a do-it-yourself test from a chemist
but they are expensive and the results are not always reliable. |
Antenatal Care
If a woman thinks she might by pregnant, she should contact her
GP or local health clinic as soon as possible. She will have a choice
of hospitals to have the baby in and she can visit several hospitals
to help her make up her mind.
The mother-to-be can choose the sort of antenatal care she wants
- the options include hospital care where she goes to the hospital
antenatal clinic for check-ups throughout her pregnancy, or shared
care where she sometimes sees her GP or community midwife and sometimes
goes to the hospital clinic for antenatal check ups. A GP or local
health clinic will be able to inform future parents about other
Antenatal Classes
All maternity units in hospitals have their own antenatal/parentcraft
classes run by midwives, health visitors and physiotherapists. Health
centres and clinics also hold them.
Classes usually run as a six-week programme and cover topics such
as the physical development of pregnancy and labour, learning to
care for a new baby and relaxation and breathing exercises. Partners
are welcome at these classes. At least one course of classes runs
in the evenings to enable those who are at work during the day to
Active Birth West London
Tel: 0208 964 1882 Lolly Sirk
For more details about classes in Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth Preparation,
Breastfeeding, Post Natal Yoga and Baby Massage please call the
above number. Fathers welcome.
National Childbirth Trust
Alexandra House
Oldham Terrace
W3 6NH
Tel: 0208 992 8637
The NCT aims to help women have their babies happily and without
fear and to prepare young families for the experience of childbirth
and parenthood. Local branches run antenatal classes, postnatal
support groups and offer free information and counselling on breastfeeding.
Many branches also have specialist support groups, for example miscarriage,
caesarean birth, working mothers, etc.
Postnatal Support
When a mother has had her baby, she will be visited by a community
midwife and health visitor. Most health centres and clinics run
postnatal support groups for mothers and babies. These usually include
exercises that help firm up the muscles after childbirth, as well
as advice and information on new babies. Baby massage may also be
offered. The National Childbirth Trust also has a postnatal counselling
and help service: see above.
Useful addresses
Walmer Road Clinic
Eastry House, 226 Walmer Road W11 4ET Tel: 0207 243 0296
Association For Postnatal Illness (APNI)
25 Jerdan Place, Fulham, SW6 1BE Tel: 0207 386 0868
Advice, information and support for mothers with postnatal depression.
Cry-Sis Support Group
BM Cry-Sis, WC1N 3XX Tel: 0207 404 5011
Help and support for parents of babies who cry excessively and/or
sleep poorly. Parents can ring the above number to be put in contact
with a local counsellor.
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers
PO Box 207, Bridgewater, Somerset TA6 7YT Tel: 0207 813 1481
24 hour telephone help-line which gives details of local groups
La Leche League
BM 3424, WC1N 3XX Tel: 0207 242 1278
Help and information for women who want to breastfeed. Write with
a stamped addressed envelope for details of your nearest local group.
Pregnancy, Healthy Baby |
When I was pregnant with
my third child, I had two friends who were also expecting. We would
get together once a week and, over milkshakes, compare our growing
bellies and laugh about our big maternity pants.
We would also share our fears. Together we obsessed about nearly everything
that could go wrong in the 40 weeks of pregnancy. What are these pains?
Why am I so tired? How much will labor hurt? Can I handle another
child? And the big one: Will my baby be healthy? Article |
Mental Health Services |
Parkside Clinic
63-65 Lancaster Road
W11 1QG
Tel: 0207 221 4656
Parkside Clinic offers a service to children and their families
troubled by emotional, behavioural or psychological difficulties.
Parents are welcome to telephone, write, or call in. Referral can
also be made by doctors, teachers or other professionals. A number
of treatments are provided, including family, individual and group
Department of Child & Adolescent
Mental Health Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
369 Fulham Road, SW10 9NH
Tel: 0208 746 8617
This department has a multi-disciplinary team formed by senior professionals
experienced in the field of Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
The team provides an out patient service for children, young people
with relationship problems, emotional or behavioural difficulties
and psychosomatic conditions. The department also offers help to
professional staff in need of consultation or joint work over complex
cases. Consultation and liason is also available for social services,
schools, paediatrics and general practice.
Collingham Gardens Child and Family Psychiatry
Unit 5 Collingham Gardens,
Earl Court, SW5 0HR
Tel: 0208 846 6644
The Collingham Gardens Child and Psychiatry Unit offers a multi-disciplinary
assessment and treatment service to pre-adolescent children. Places
are offered on a day or in-patient basis depending on the nature
of the problem and circumstances of the child. They offer assessment
and treatment packages. The unit caters for children with a wide
range of severe and complex mental health problems, often of a neuro-developmental.
Treatment is offered in a pleasant and positive children's environment,
with support available for parents and carers. Referral is by Consultant
Child Psychiatrists from local mental health teams. The Unit Social
Worker is available to discuss possible referrals informally.
Child Psychology Service
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
369 Fulham Road, SW10 9NH
Tel: 0208 746 8972
The Child Psychology Service deals with children with behavioural,
emotional or developmental difficulties, or with family or school
problems. Self-referrals are accepted. |
World's End Health Team
Tel: 0208 846 6633
A number of children and young people receive treatment for psychological
difficulties outside the Borough such as at St Mary's Hospital Child
Psychiatry Department which is in Westminster.
There is a similar service at the Central Middlesex Hospital. |
About Health Services |
Tel: Freephone 0800 66 55 44
A free telephone health information service (HealthFirst) which can
answer questions on the NHS services available, waiting times for
treatment, information about common illnesses and treatments, how
to keep an improve health, what standards for services can be expected
and how to complain. |
Kensington & Chelsea
and Westminster Community Health Council
45-47 Praed Street, W2 1NR
Tel: 0207 706 7100
The local Community Health Council provides free help and information
about the NHS and patient's rights. |