Kids and Schools E:


Bullying, What To Do, What Not To Do And Essential Links

Unfortunately bullying is very common in schools and in places of work everywhere. Most people think of bullying as physical - hitting, punching, kicking, and stealing; but bullying is anything that makes a person do something they do not want to do, name calling etc. The main problem is that too many people and too many schools stand by and let it happen.

You as a pupil have certain rights, your school must do certain things to protect you from bullying. The following information came from the DFEE (Department for Education and Employment) - these guys are responsible for writing the laws that tell teachers and schools how to work. Their website is at "Each school should have a clear school behaviour policy. It should make clear the boundaries of what is acceptable, the hierarchy of sanctions, arrangements for their consistent and fair application, and a linked system of rewards for good behaviour. It should promote respect for others, intolerance of bullying and harassment, the importance of self-discipline and the difference between 'right' and 'wrong'." Unfortunately we cannot guarantee you will never be bullied. There are some things that you can do however, that will make you less likely to be bullied:

What to do:
Remember: You don't deserve to be bullied, it's the bullies' problem!
Talk about it to someone who will listen
Ignore the bullies themselves completely - The best thing to bullies about bullying people is seeing that they are hurting the victim. That's what gives them the kick. Simply learn to ignore them. If you shut them out and carry on, they will eventually get bored of not getting a response, and leave you alone. It's a tried and tested method- proved by my experience! Try it, it really works
Tell a teacher you trust
Stick to facts and bring a witness
Defend yourself only if necessary
Stay in a group
Be firm, if they pressure you shout "NO"; it'll get attention

What not to do:
Don't confront the bully
Don't fight back except to defend yourself - it only makes it worse believe me!
Don't get in a slanging match
If you are scared or intimidated get away and get help
Don't fight to keep your stuff - you are more important!

Other Advice:
Stand up for yourself - do not become a doormat - if someone teases you do not stand for it; tell your teacher, friends or anyone. It does help.
Speak to other people who have been bullied, they will know what to do.
If your teachers do not listen or take action make a row - you have a right - the links go to pages that highlight some of those rights.
Don't let anyone fobb you off with the idea that your problems are not as significant as anyone elses! Cos they are far from it - everyone counts! Do not be afraid to show your individuality. If people around you at the moment don't like it, people around the corner will!
Bullies (although it doesn't seem like it) are only confident from the outside. I personally don't buy that crap about them already being scarred and having to take it out on others - They are cowards! is a fantastic site which offers advice from pupils who have been bullied - giving practical solutions to the problem. It gives you the opportunity to share your problem with other people who are also suffering from bullying.

If you feel your problem is really bad, and needs "professional" help then please use the links below: or 0800 1111 The premier, professional advice guys Another hub for professional bullying advice! An excellent if complicated site containing loads of info on bullying. The BBC's bullying site. from



Kensington Kids
Grossology at the Science Museum
London Doll's House Festival
Easter holiday activities at Holland Park Ecology Centre
