- Playzone |
Skateboard Dodge |
Skateboard Dodge You
are on a mission to dodge all trash cans that are blocking your path! |
tried a virual milkshake? Click the button and give it a go. |
virtual milkshake is courtesy of
Riddles |
What can you break with
only one word? - Silence
What has cities
with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?
- A map
What flies when its on, and floats when its off? - A feather
What stars go to jail? - Shooting stars
Where can you always go to find diamonds? - In a deck of cards
What do atomic scientists do when they go on holiday? - They
go fission (fishing)
When is it good to lose your temper? - When you have a bad one
What game do you play in the water? - Swimming pool
Why doesn't the piano work? - Because it only knows how to play
What increases in value by being turned upside down? - The number
Two men dig a hole for five days. How many days would it take to
dig half a hole? - None, you can't dig half a hole
What is in the middle of March? - The letter R
What's the difference between a truthful person and a liar?
- The one lies when he sleeps, the other lies all the time!
What is an astronomer? - A night watchman with a college education
How do rich people get their money? - They were calm and collected
vs DIGIMON - Pokemon |
The Pokémon
story begins with our hero, Ash, in his hometown of Pallet where 10
year old boys and girls are not only eligible but encouraged to begin
their Pokémon journey. Pokémon are creatures of various size and special
powers which inhabit this world, coexisting with humans. Young Ash
is a Pokémon enthusiast with an insatiable curiosity toward Pokémon.
His knowledge of these mysterious creatures surpasses most of his
peers. The day he has been waiting for has finally arrived; he can
now begin his journey, leading him toward his destiny, to become the
Greatest Pokémon Master of All Time! |
is a young teen from the small village of Pallet Town, whose ambition
is to be recognized as the greatest Pokémon Trainer the world has
ever seen. His adventurous spirit is remarkable for his age, and he
is wise enough to respect the delicate balance between Pokémon and
their trainers. |
- These mouse-like creatures are among the most sought-after Pokémon.
Trainers often have a hard time keeping several Pikachu in one place,
however, because a high concentration of Pikachu will trigger electrical
disturbances in the atmosphere. Pikachu evolve into Raichu with
the use of the Thunder Stone.
TYPE: Electric
HEIGHT: .4 m
WEIGHT: 6 kg
EVOLUTION: Pikachu-Raichu
vs DIGIMON - Digimon |
IT BEGINS... Seven kids at summer camp are mysteriously transported
to another reality, where they are befriended by a group of strange
creatures who call themselves "Digimon," digital monsters. The seven
companion Digimon prove to be more than good company when they transform
into larger digital monsters and fight as a team to defend the kids
from a giant red beetle Digimon. |
- This born leader is adventurous, athletic and usually the first
to spring into action. His aggressive personality throws him into
the path of danger, but he is learning that having compassion for
others will make him a stronger leader. |
Tanemon - Although Tanemon
is pretty, girly and seemingly delicate, she jumps into most dangerous
situations with reckless abandon. She can also burrow under ground
to hide, if necessary.
Digimon level: In-Traning
Digimon type: None
Digimon group: Micro
Attacks: Bubble Blow Digging
Official Digimon site with information
on the new Digimon movie A good
Digimon fan page with lots of images