Mixed local authority school for
11-19 year olds
Airlie Gardens
Campden Hill Road
W8 7AF
tel: 020 7727 5631
fax: 020 7908 1098
e-mail info@hollandpark.kensington-chelsea.sch.uk
website www.hollandpark.biblio.net
contact: Colin Hall, Headmaster
number of pupils: 1550
notes: services wide range of subjects,
including all National Curriculum subjects, A' Level and vocational
courses. GNVQ's at advanced, intermediate, foundation and part 1
levels The hall and certain of the rooms are available for hire.
The kitchen is also available at an extra charge, but the school
must close at midnight o90 for first hour, o70 for subsequent hour
+ 10% insurance (weekends) Also available during holiday periods.
updated: 20/11/2020